Kingdom Seekers

Home Church Life Kingdom Seekers

Kingdom Seekers Girls Club meets on Friday evenings from 7 pm to 9 pm. We begin mid-September with a fun kickoff meeting and go to the end of April. Girls in Grades 4 – 8 are excited to be part of our Kingdom Seekers Program. They enjoy great fellowship as they learn how to serve God and others through His Word. The girls earn badges that are geared to daily activities such as God’s world in nature, Bible study, baking, caring for others, and much more. They also look forward to special events such as Bowling, a Father/Daughter Evening, a Mother/Daughter Evening, and much more. A typical evening consists of devotions/Bible study, snack time, singing, and crafts.

At Kingdom Seekers, girls are encouraged to seek the Kingdom of God by learning how to apply the Bible to their lives and finding answers to challenges they face every day.

Send a message to our Head Counsellor if you would like more details regarding our Kingdom Seekers.

To register, please fill out the Registration Form.